The Best Products for Maintaining and Shining Leather Shoes
By Wirecutter
Nordstrom Cedar Shoe Tree
"Shoe trees"
Kirby Allison Medium Horsehair Shoe Polishing Brush
"Our pick: Our shoe brush pick"
Kiwi Horsehair Polish Applicator
"Also great: Dauber (for cleaner and polish)"
Fiebing’s Saddle Soap
"Our pick: Our shoe cleaner pick"
Saphir Renovateur
"Our pick: Our conditioner pick"
Saphir Medaille d’Or Pommadier Natural Cream Leather Shoe Polish
"Our pick: Our cream polish pick"
Lincoln Stain Wax Shoe Polish
"For a mirror shine"
Saphir Pate de Luxe
"For a longer-lasting glow"
Nordstrom Cedar Shoe Tree
": Shoe trees"
Lincoln Stain Wax Shoe Polish
": For a mirror shine"
Saphir Pate de Luxe
": For a longer-lasting glow"
Lincoln Stain Wax Shoe Polish
"Our pick: For a mirror shine"
Saphir Pate de Luxe
"Our pick: For a longer-lasting glow"