Best gifts for people who are obsessed with CrossFit

Where foam rolling meets percussive therapy
"Hyperice Vyper 2.0 vibrating foam roller"
To mix and match music genres for the best workout playlist
"Fit Radio subscription"
For the jump rope enthusiast who still hasn’t nailed double-unders
"RPM Sprint Rope"
To prevent pull-ups from demolishing your hands
"JerkFit WODies Full Palm Protection"
For the high-tech fitness fiend
"NormaTec compression boots"
To protect your knees from all the squats and lunges
"Nordic Lifting Knee Sleeves"
One of the most important items in a CrossFit bag
"Rogue Fitness Wrist Wraps"
For the fitness fashionista
"NoBull Trainer training shoes"
For the one who loves to Instagram their workouts
"Mini phone tripod"
To improve flexibility and form
"Mobility gear multipack"
To make CrossFit workouts even harder
"Hyper Vest Elite weighted vest"
One of the best tools for workout recovery
"Theragun Liv"
To hold all the CrossFit gear and keep sweaty clothes separate
"FocusGear Ultimate Gym Bag 2.0"